- 1. Radecki A., Bujacz M., Skulimowski P., Strumillo P.,
Interactive Sonification of Color Images on Mobile Devices for Blind Persons – Preliminary Concepts and First Tests,
Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon 2016) December 15-16th 2016 CITEC, Bielefeld University, Germany
- 2. Skulimowski P., Owczarek M., Radecki A., Bujacz M., Strumillo P.,
Interactive Sonification of the U-Disparity Maps of 3D Scenes,
Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon 2016) December 15-16th 2016 CITEC, Bielefeld University, Germany
- 3. Borowiecka I., Skulimowski P., Bujacz M., Radecki A., Strumiłło P.,
Interaktywna sonifikacja obrazów dla niewidomych – badania pilotażowe,
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT, t. 9, str. 98-101, 2016.
- 4. Radecki A., Bujacz M., Skulimowski P., Strumiłło P.,
Interactive Sonification of Images on Mobile Devices for the Visually Impaired,
21st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing - Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Application (SPA 2017) September 20-22nd 2017, Poznań.
- 5. Skulimowski, P., Owczarek, M., Radecki, A. et al.
Interactive sonification of U-depth images in a navigation aid for the visually impaired
J Multimodal User Interfaces (2018).
- 6. Radecki A., Bujacz M., Skulimowski P., and Strumillo P.,
Interactive sonification of images in serious games as an education aid for visually impaired children
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2019, DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12852.
Research project funded by the National Science Centre of Poland under grant No. 2015/17 / B / ST7 / 03884 at the Institute of Electronics and Institute of Automatic Control of the Lodz University of Technology in the years 2016-2018.
© Lodz University of Technology, Institut of Electronics